What I learnt as a business owner in 2021

This year was for me, like I’m sure for many, a constant rinse and repeat of rest, work, huge personal life changes, stress, and getting used to new normals.
I have to admit, looking back on 2021 was hard –– even though personally and professionally, it was a year of huge growth. We reached many firsts as well as milestones. And despite the pandemic, the business continued to thrive and we were getting projects we only ever dreamed of working on.
But that’s only what you see on the outside. There’s so much that we don’t talk about that goes on on the inside, especially when it comes to running a business. So much celebrating the triumphs, the entrepreneurial life just looks so glamorous.
But no one really talks about the self-doubt and the set-backs. I mean, where’s the award for simply getting through the year? And I have to admit, sometimes it gets lonely. Not talking about these things, gets lonely.
So I just wanted to give you a huge pat on the back for getting through another year of the pandemic, and tell you, you’re not alone in your struggles. And, don’t believe everything you see on social media.
I want to get real with you here and share some of the lessons I’ve learnt in 2021, some that were easy, some not so easy. And I hope listening to this will give you what you need to celebrate and honour 2021, and look into 2022 with optimism and strength!
On being an introvert
If you’re an introvert like me or tend to shy away from the spotlight, these first few lessons might resonate with you...
Expand your comfort zone
When I entered 2021, I had one goal in mind. I felt it was time to carve my own path. I was sick of constantly comparing myself to others and putting myself down, and these weren’t even people on the same path as me. I was just comparing myself to them because well, that’s what we all do, right? We measure our own success against everyone else’s. But the creative industry is so big, and there’s space for everyone to make their own mark. So I knew, in order to do that, I had to step out of my comfort zone. I had to do what nobody else has done when it comes to creating a Creative agency with purpose.
The only problem was, I’m a classic introvert. I don’t like the attention to be on me. I often find networking very tiring, and the idea of putting myself out there terrified me. I mean me? Having my own podcast? Presenting my work in front of a room of people? Uhhh no thanks.
But then, my dear friend and podcasting mentor Regina, sent me such words of wisdom at the time when I most needed it. She sent me a snippet of a recording with Jo Hayes, from Habitat for Humanity, from an episode on Regina’s show #impact, and this is what Jo said (include Jo’s voice). Expanding your comfort zone. Isn’t that so comforting? This one small shift in perception can bring such a big change in how we feel towards the unknown. Suddenly I didn’t feel so afraid anymore, because I knew that it was a time for expansion, and it can be as little or as big of a step as I make it out to be. It’s actually just all in my head. So Jo, Regina, thank you. This introvert is that little bit braver because of you!
Don't be afraid to ask for support
This next lesson I’m about to share is something I know many of us struggle with. Asking for support. I have always been someone who refuses to ask for and receive help. Part of it is because I don’t want to be a burden on others, but I think a small part of it is actually fear as well. I don’t want to tell people about big plans because, in case it flops, at least no one knows about it. Then I wouldn’t look like such a big failure. I see you nodding because I know you’ve been there too.
But you know the thing is, when we put ourselves out there, we’re allowing ourselves to accept help. When I was putting together our online event, I felt so overwhelmed. I thought omg, how could I pull this off. Who am I to do this. No one would care. Until I kind of gave myself a reality check and went, this is so silly. I don’t have to do this alone. So I reached out to my network to ask for help. And help started pouring in. Left, right and centre. Whether it was providing these amazing food hampers to VIPs, securing a meeting space, getting technical support, helping to spread the word, cheering me on. On the day, I was so overwhelmed with the number of people who showed up. I actually thought that NO ONE would show up! I am so grateful for everyone’s support, and I am so, so glad now I asked for help when I needed it.
The impact is bigger than you
On the topic of being an introvert, I know that many of us are afraid to put ourselves out there because of what we think people would think or react or say. This year, something suddenly dawned on me. I know all of you here listening to this, are brave change-makers yourselves. You believe in using your skills as a force for good. And I know putting yourself out there is scary.
But what I keep reminding myself is, the impact we’re trying to make is bigger than ourselves. Whether you’re a storyteller, a social enterprise, an intrapreneur, at the end of the day, we all want to do great things for our planet and its people. So it’s not about us, really. The purpose, or the message, chose us, and I am simply here to put it out there in the world. It chose you. This helps to remove myself from the equation, it removes me from the spotlight, as I focus more about the impact rather than on myself. So don’t be afraid to dream big. Always come back to your WHY. Feel the fear, and do it anyway. You’ll be so glad that you did.
On business mindset
Some of you who’ve listened to a few episodes already might know that I talk a lot about mindset in business. And 3 years into running a business, I certainly don’t know everything yet. But these are a few things I’ve picked up this year that have really helped me shift some self-limiting beliefs and resistance to change when it comes to running a business:
Invest in yourself
In the second year of running Prism, I made a huge investment in myself. I have a really great friend Ainslie, who’s a business coach. I reached out to her at a point when I was feeling overwhelmed with my working hours, I felt like my business was running me, instead of the other way round. And overall I just wasn’t happy, because my personal life was suffering as a result of my career. So I chose to invest in myself, and get to the root of the problem. Ainslie helped me set up signature systems, redefine my business goals, set up better work/life boundaries. And my business flourished. But the more important thing is, I flourished.
I’m now in my second year of working with Ainslie, and I can only say, if you’re stuck, something needs to be done differently. You can’t expect different results, if you keep doing the same thing. I truly believe that getting professional help where needed, could be the best decisions you could make for yourself and your business. Whether that’s hiring a business coach, an assistant, a branding expert. Just think about how much your inaction is costing you. And also how much you’re holding yourself back as a result. One of my favourite episodes on Ainslie’s podcast is Episode X: How to make million dollar decisions. Go check it out if you’re ready to step it up in 2022 and claim your (boss). I’ve linked the episode in the show notes.
Networking as relationship building and bringing value
As an introvert, I really didn’t enjoy networking. I found the idea of having to make small talk to complete stranger in a room full of even more strangers, terrifying. So I’ve found my own way of networking instead. Coffee meetings. I’m much more comfortable sitting down for a coffee with someone than being put in the spotlight, and if you feel the same, I really recommend you to try it out too. Nowadays I find networking more like relationship building and bringing value, rather than simply transactional. And I do really look forward to these coffee dates. So the lesson I would like to share here is: if something doesn’t suit you, find a way to make it work for you. Just because that’s how it’s always been done, doesn’t mean you have to do the same.
Trust the timing of things
If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that we can plan all we want, but at the end of the day, things don’t always go to plan. I’ve really come to trust the timing of things. I think very often we’re stuck with, why didn’t get that project? This should’ve happened. It shouldn’t be like this. Now we can resist all we want, but sometimes, things just don’t work out even if you’ve put in your all. And very often, they actually didn’t work out as we expected, for good reason. And we just have to accept and surrender, and really trust, that the right things for us won’t pass us by. So trust the timing of things.
Don’t forget to enjoy the journey
And on this note, don’t forget to enjoy the journey. As an ambitious business owner, I am always jumping onto the next task. I forget to celebrate the small things, heck I even forget to celebrate the big things. But look at where you’re standing today and think back to the time when you wish you had all the things you have today. Don’t forget to celebrate what you have now.
On self-care
This final part of today’s episode, I want to talk about self care. I know it’s been a huge topic of discussion, especially since the pandemic. And it really goes to show, we can’t take care of others, and our businesses, without first taking care of ourselves.
Make sure you prioritise you
I’ve picked up a new productivity hack called time blocking, where I literally fill up my schedule by the hour of exactly what I’ll be doing that day. This really helps to set up my week and say NO to things I should be turning down because I can physically see, I don’t actually have time for it. So often, we fill our bucket up with so many things, wondering how we got to this state. But are those priorities actually yours, or are they someone else’s?
Let go of the idea of BUSY
And this leads me into my final lesson of 2021, let go of the idea of BUSY. Society has somehow made us believe that in order to be successful, we have to be working 24/7. We have to be a slave to our work, because hard work, grit, long hours and strong coffee is so glamorised.
In the two years I’ve worked with my business coach, I can officially say that I am a recovered busy addict. I put myself and my rest before anything else because as a creative, I simply can’t produce good work if I’m worked to the core. We have to give space for ideas to grow. We have to give time for ourselves to breathe. I used to even feel guilty about going to the art gallery during office hours, because I thought if I’m not at the office, I’m not being productive, therefore I’m a failure. Which does not make any sense at all.
And yea, it’s not perfect. There are still times where I still feel overwhelmed by work and have to work late nights. But I don’t let it become my normal. If that happens, I simply look at my schedule again and figure out where I can find more balance. And I also accept that things are cyclical. There are times when it will be busy, times when I can find more time for myself. But I don’t let BUSY 24/7, take over my life. Because I get to rest, enjoy life, and have a thriving business.
So I'm here, giving you permission to rest, recharge and enjoy a wonderful holiday season. And on that note, I am definitely resting over this break and will come back in January with more branding and business tips for you! Kicking off with an episode of listener’s Q&A! If you have any burning questions about branding, this is your chance to get them answered! Email me on rosann@prismcreative.co and we’ll pick the 5 best questions to answer on the first episode of the new year.
Happy New Year, my dear listeners!! Here’s to the amazing you. Never underestimate the impact you can make on this world.
Links mentioned:
#impact Podcast: A World Where Everyone Has A Decent Place To Live with Jo Hayes
The Feminine Business Podcast: Ep. 26 How To Make Million Dollar Business Decisions
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